AFFN Graphic Standards
The Graphic Standards Manual demonstrates the proper use of the Armed Forces Financial Network® corporate logo, acronym (AFFN®), and name to include registered trademarks of AFFN in connection with participating in, processing with, or receiving any AFFN services.
These graphic standards are minimum standards and are designed to allow for appropriate flexibility in the use of the AFFN Licensed Marks. In order to protect the Licensed Marks and to provide the greatest benefit to Participants’ proprietary brands, all entities permitted to use the Licensed Marks must adhere to these graphic standards. Participants, Processors and other entities licensed to use the Marks who contract with vendors or suppliers who use the Marks are responsible for such vendor or supplier compliance with these graphic standards.
Contact Information
For questions regarding this AFFN Graphic Standards Manual and/or any special requests, please contact AFFN HQ:
Telephone: 727 227 2880